The Benefits of Kindness

Written by one of our volunteers:

The Small Acts of Kindness gift bag project was delivered in conjunction with Welwyn Hatfield Centre for Voluntary Service

Anything but a dumb blonde, Aly concluded her 30 years of police service by working in an Intelligence Unit. Coming from a sporting family, Aly was still keen to maintain her fitness after retirement by cycling, walking, and recently even white-water rafting!

However, when the Covid crisis hit, it struck Aly that she might combine her exercise activities with some volunteering work, in order to help neighbours in Welwyn Garden City. After completing the Communities 1st vetting process Aly was soon jumping on her bike and collecting presciptions, making shopping deliveries, working at food banks and accompanying vulnerable people who were 'shielding', as their ‘walking buddy'.

Conscious of health problems within her own family, Aly took pleasure in 'giving something back' and found it particularly uplifting bringing comfort to others less fortunate, many of whom might hardly have seen or chatted with anyone for nearly a year. Even an initially grumpy client who was confined to bed, steadily softened until he began referring to Aly as his 'angel'.

Aly found a Small Acts of Kindness charity scheme particularly rewarding, which involved taking 'Goodie Bags' (containing blanket, biscuits, games and resources) to give out to shielding people. She met a friendly elderly couple and a lovely lad with Down's Syndrome, who is now delighted to see her, doing these rounds.

To quote Aly, it all makes her feel "like Father Christmas - but without the belly!" What better example could there be of the benefits of kindness?


Written by Don Ramsay (Volunteer)